1. Navigate to https://app.allotrac.io/and log in to your Allotrac.io site
2. Click the "Operate" tab from the side menu
3. Click the "Projects" button from the side menu
4. You will now be looking at your projects screen. The projects screen shows all projects within your Allotrac.io site. This includes both completed projects and in progress projects
5. To view the jobs that have been released from a project, click the ">" button on each project
6. As shown below, this will show you a list of all of the loads derived from a project
7. Click the "Job ID" link to open this project job and view more details in relation to this job
8. Each project in your Allotrac.io instance will be given an auto- generated Project ID. Click this header to filter via "Project ID"
9. The "Project Name" column will state the name of each project
10. The "Job Type" column will show the job type for each project
11. The "Billable" column will show the billable client for each project
12. The "Origin" column will show the pickup contact for each project
13. The "Origin Address" column will show the pickup address for each project
14. The "Destination" column will show the delivery contact for each project
15. The "Destination Address" column will show the delivery address for each project
16. The "Items" column will show the items involved in each project
17. The "Start Date" column will show the start date of every project
18. The "End Date" column will show the end date for every project
19. To action a project, right click on a project. You will then be presented with a quick menu
20. Click the "Edit" button if you wish to edit any information on the project
21. Click the "View" button if you wish to view the project in more detail
22. Click the "Release Job" button if you wish to release a job from this project
23. Click the "Delete" button if you wish to delete this project
24. Click "Confirm" if you wish to delete this project permanently
25. Click the "CSV Export" button if you wish to export all of your projects in a csv format.
You now know how to use the projects screen to view, edit and export projects within your Allotrac.io site