1. Navigate to https://app.allotrac.io/ and log in to your Allotrac.io site
2. Click the "Analyse" tab from the side menu
3. Click the "Forms" button from the drop down
4. You will now be viewing all submitted form data in your site. If a form is completed, it will show as "True"
5. The "Completed at" column will show the form completion date
6. The "User" column will show which user submitted the form
7. The "Vehicle" column will show which vehicle the user was in when they submitted each form
8. The "Shift" column will show which shift the user was in when they submitted the form
9. To view an individual form's data, click the ">" button on the left of each form submission
10. You will then be able to view each question within this form and the data submitted to it. The first column will show the question
11. The second column will show the user's response to this question
12. The third column will show the severity for each question
13. If you would like to export all of this form data, right - click on a form
14. In the quick menu, hover your cursor over the "Export" button
15. Then either choose to export the forms in a .csv file or excel file formats
You now know how to review your user submitted forms and extract this data out of your site. These exports can be used to review prestart checklists, on site risk assessments, load restraint checklists or any other forms you have created in your site